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Arbitration Tracker — 2017

Filter Records
Player Team Service Player Amt. Team Amt. Midpoint Settled Amt.
Brad Brach † Orioles 4.063 $3.050MM $2.525MM $2.788MM $3.050MM
Caleb Joseph ‡ Orioles 2.145 ⇑ $1.000MM $0.700MM $0.850MM $0.700MM
Chris Tillman Orioles 5.113 $10.050MM
Jonathan Schoop Orioles 3.027 $3.475MM
Kevin Gausman Orioles 2.151 ⇑ $3.550MM $3.150MM $3.350MM $3.450MM
Manny Machado Orioles 4.056 $11.500MM
Ryan Flaherty Orioles 5.000 $1.800MM
T.J. McFarland Orioles 3.006 $0.685MM
Vidal Nuno Orioles 3.015 $1.125MM
Zach Britton Orioles 4.158 $11.400MM
  • Total Settled Amount: $47.235MM


Indicates that an arbitration hearing was held and the player won the hearing.
Indicates that an arbitration hearing was held and the team won the hearing.
Indicates that the player is super two eligible.

