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Arbitration Tracker — 2015

Filter Records
Player Team Service Player Amt. Team Amt. Midpoint Settled Amt.
Antonio Bastardo Pirates 5.054 $3.100MM
Chris Stewart Pirates 4.091 $1.225MM
Francisco Cervelli Pirates 4.146 $0.988MM
Jared Hughes Pirates 2.162 ⇑ $1.075MM
Josh Harrison Pirates 3.033 $2.800MM
Mark Melancon Pirates 4.098 $5.400MM
Neil Walker ‡ Pirates 4.166 $9.000MM $8.000MM $8.500MM $8.000MM
Pedro Alvarez † Pirates 4.085 $5.750MM $5.250MM $5.500MM $5.750MM
Sean Rodriguez Pirates 5.133 $1.900MM
Tony Watson Pirates 3.101 $1.750MM
Travis Snider Pirates 4.091 $2.100MM
Vance Worley † Pirates 2.139 ⇑ $2.450MM $2.000MM $2.225MM $2.450MM
  • Total Settled Amount: $36.538MM


Indicates that an arbitration hearing was held and the player won the hearing.
Indicates that an arbitration hearing was held and the team won the hearing.
Indicates that the player is super two eligible.

